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How to call ruby function more than once

I have ruby text that fetches a random row from a SQL database of quotes,
and later I use javascript to display this random quote on button click:
My issue is that I would like to generate a NEW random quote whenever the button is pressed. I have been told I can do this using jQuery, but I've very lost as to how to go about this.

In a controller:

random_offset = rand(Quote.count - 1)
@random_quote = Quote.offset(random_offset).first


var generatedQuote = '"<%= @random_quote.quote %>" <br>  - <%= @random_quote.author %>'

function populateQuote(){
  $("#imagewrap h3").html(generatedQuote);

var quoteButton = document.getElementById('randomQuote');
quoteButton.addEventListener('click', function (){

You should render all the quotes and randomize clientside. Javascript :

var quotes = <%= raw Quote.all.map {|q| [q.quote, q.author]}.to_json %>;
var random_quote = function(){
  var quote_item = quotes[Math.floor(Math.random()*quotes.length)];
  return '"'+quote_item[0]+'" <br>  - '+quote_item[1];

  var new_random_quote= random_quote();
  $("#imagewrap h3").html(new_random_quote);

Or you should fetch the server with each click on the button, depending on the number of quotes available / what you prefer for your web app.

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