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How to redirect a request to a PHP file “internally”?

I'm introducing a RegEx based URI router to a legacy PHP codebase and some requests still need to be handled the old way (by loading a .php file) before the transition can be completed.

The router is working fine and I can build the .php file path for the requests that will be handled this way. How can I, given the PHP file path, delegate the request entirely to this file?

I thought a simple require $filepath; would do but I'm getting include errors from that script when it tries to include other files.

I tried some ideas without success:

$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $sControllerPath;
require $sControllerPath;

You may have to change directory to the dirname($sControllerPath); if it uses relative includes.

$_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME'] = $sControllerPath;
// for relative includes like ./file.php
require $sControllerPath;

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