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SQL Server - Query The Data From XML File

I am new to XML stuff. I've figured out how to query and return the values from the XML file (example below). However, I run into a problem that it only capture the first node of 'SerialNo' tag because the tag has the same node name "SerialNo" repeated. In the XML file, it has 4 serial numbers for SKU#TT234343, but it only gives me the first Serial11111. I am totally stuck and don't know how to list all of those serial#.

I would like the query result for SKU#TT234343, listing all 4 serial numbers if possible.

Please help. Thanks!

The XML File looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
  <ShipNotice version="1" >
    <ShipDescription>FedEx Economy</ShipDescription>
      <AddressLine1>2222 Street Name</AddressLine1>
      <AddressLine2> </AddressLine2>
      <AddressLine1>1234 Street Name</AddressLine1>
      <AddressLine2>-SUITE 111</AddressLine2>
      <City>Los Angeles</City>
    <Package sequence="1" >
      <Item sequence="1" >
      <Item sequence="2" >
        <Description>GGG localization</Description>

The SQL Query:

EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @hDoc OUTPUT, @xmlData

InvoiceNumber, PONumber, PODate
, AddressName
, MfgPN, SerialNo
--, AddressContact, AddressLine1, AddressLine2, City, State, ZipCode
FROM OPENXML(@hDoc, '/ROOT/ShipNotice/Package/Item')
    --- #################  Level 1 #################
    InvoiceNumber [varchar](50) '../../InvoiceNumber',
    PONumber [varchar](100) '../../PONumber',
    PODate [varchar](100) '../../PODate',

    --- #################  Level 2 #################
    AddressName [varchar](100) '../../ShipTo/AddressName',

    --- #################  Level 3 #################
    MfgPN [varchar](100) 'MfgPN',
    SerialNo [varchar](100) 'SerialNo'


You can try using the newer technology XQuery instead of OPENXML() . Using XQuery, you can use nodes() method to shred the XML on elements that will correspond to the rows in the output, and use value() to extract the element value :

    shipnotice.value('InvoiceNumber[1]','varchar(20)') InvoiceNumber
    , shipnotice.value('PONumber[1]','varchar(20)') PONumber
    , shipnotice.value('PODate[1]','varchar(20)') PODate
    , shipnotice.value('(ShipTo/AddressName)[1]','varchar(100)') AddressName
    , item.value('MfgPN[1]','varchar(100)') MfgPN
    , serialno.value('.','varchar(100)') SerialNo
FROM @XML.nodes('/ROOT/ShipNotice') as t(shipnotice)
    OUTER APPLY shipnotice.nodes('Package/Item') as t2(item)
    OUTER APPLY item.nodes('SerialNo') as t3(serialno)

Sqlfiddle Demo

output :

| InvoiceNumber | PONumber |     PODate | AddressName |      MfgPN |    SerialNo |
|       6868686 |  P444444 | 03/03/2015 |     ShipABC | XYZ1111111 | Serial11111 |
|       6868686 |  P444444 | 03/03/2015 |     ShipABC | XYZ1111111 | Serial22222 |
|       6868686 |  P444444 | 03/03/2015 |     ShipABC | XYZ1111111 | Serial33333 |
|       6868686 |  P444444 | 03/03/2015 |     ShipABC | XYZ1111111 | Serial44444 |
|       6868686 |  P444444 | 03/03/2015 |     ShipABC |  XYZ222222 |             |

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