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replace node in basex xml using xquery

I am trying to replace a node in an xml using the following code

String xquery_replace="xquery replace node CIDEM/ShopFloor/foo[/CIDEM/ShopFloor/ShopFloorID=1] with "+new_gbXML;

So i want for example to change the foo node of the first ShopFloor node

The xml has the following content

        <foo bar="2">
      <foo bar="5">

And I am receiving the following error "[XUTY0008] Single element, text, attribute, comment or pi expected as replace target."

Any idea why?

The error message itself is telling whats wrong.

"[XUTY0008] Single element, text, attribute, comment or pi expected as replace target."

means that it is expecting an element or text or attribute... as a target to be replaced. But the path in your query is taking it nowhere. Read my comment for proper path.

For Ex: If you want to replace the value of the attribute bar for ShopFloorID with value 1 , then the path should be CIDEM/ShopFloor[ShopFlorrID="1"]/foo/@bar

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