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how to patabless result of mysql stored procedure inside temporary

I have one stored procedure with one in parameter that returns multiple rows with 3 different columns. I want this result to be inserted inside another table with these 3 column filed and other tables individual fields.

However, when I create the temporary table it shows a blank resultset.

Can anybody help me to sort out this?

CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `getContactRolePermission`(
in contactroleid double
-- inout PermissionTableID double

select -- entitydetails.id,
 contact.id as userid,
 -- contacttyperolemap.contacttypeId ,
 contacttyperolemap.roleid ,rolepermission.permissionid
 from contacttyperolemap 
 join rolepermission on contacttyperolemap.roleid=rolepermission.roleid
 join entitydetails on  entitydetails.id = contacttyperolemap.ContactTypeID 
 join contact on contact.contactTypeID = entitydetails.id 
 where  contacttyperolemap.contactTypeID = contactroleid
 order by contact.id;

CREATE temporary TABLE tmp(
     ID double ,
    userid double ,
    roleid double ,
    permissionid double


stored procedures result is
uid rid pid 
2   1   5
2   1   2
2   1   3
2   1   4
2   1   1
23  1   4
23  1   1
23  1   5
23  1   2
23  1   3
26  1   4
26  1   1
26  1   5
26  1   2
26  1   3

I want to insert this data inside userpermission table

schema is
id  uid rid pid
1   10  2   1

Looks like you need to create a view instead of a stored procedure for the first 3 rows. Then in a separate query you can query any columns from that view and join that data with whatever other data you want from other tables. Hopefully I read the question right. Heres an article on creating views: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms187956.aspx

Use INSERT ... SELECT command to fill target table.

And, your temp table shows empty result, because you have not filled it.

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