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google cloud analogy to AWS Lambda

Does google cloud have an analogous functionality to AWS Lambda ?

In particular I would like compute resources to be opened up and jobs scheduled via https events .

I'm also interested in any other cloud hosting providers which have similar functionality.

I just found out that there is something that looks interesting in the latest documentation of the SDK's command line tool gcloud .


This sounds exciting.

UPDATE: Google just released some official documentation of an alpha version of Cloud Functions . For now, functions can be written in Javascript using Node, and triggered by Pub/Sub, Cloud Storage, direct HTTP stimuli or manually for debugging purposes.

Google Cloud Storage has Object Change Notification. Only web hooks are currently supported at this time.

A client application can send a request to watch for a bucket's change notification events in order to be notified about changes to a bucket's objects. After a notification channel is initiated, Google Cloud Storage notifies the application any time an object is added, updated, or removed from the bucket.

For example, when you add a new picture to a bucket, an application could be notified to create a thumbnail.

More info can be found at: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/object-change-notification

Regarding other providers that have similar functionality, check out IronWorker . You can kick off IronWorker tasks via https endpoints using the webhook endpoint and you can run jobs on multiple clouds. Here's a comparison of Lambda vs IronWorker .

And yes, I work for Iron.io.

最近谷歌宣布推出支持http界面的谷歌云功能的 alpha版本。

Google Cloud FunctionsMicrosoft Azure功能 ,它们都相当新(微软于2016年3月31日宣布Azure功能

如果你需要带有HTTP接口的Lambda,那么看看Nano Lambda他们可以部署到任何云和内部部署。

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