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Mail Routing using pipe in Exim

I was looking for sending email to multiple destinations ie One to the user specified email address and other to a php script. Surfing over the web, I concluded that I have to use pipe in routers and transfer configurations of my mailing agent ie Exim in my case. I tried but failed to embed pipe transfer in my Exim configurations. Server results in failing pipe transfer. Need help in getting this issue fixed. I modified my exim.cnf file as:

############ ROUTERS
driver = accept 
domains = **.**.**.**(my Domain) 
transport = use_pipe

############ TRANSPORT
debug_print = "Using Pipe Transport"
driver = pipe
command = /etc/script.php

where script.php is the second destination where I want to send the file. Here are the Logs:

 3402   uid=3000 gid=3000 pid=3402
 3402   auxiliary group list: 3000
 3402   home=NULL current=/
 3402 set_process_info:  3402 delivering 1ZTPOU-0000sn-JB to abc using use_pipe
 3402 Using Pipe Transport
 3402 use_pipe transport entered
 3402 direct command:
 3402   argv[0] = /etc/testScript.php
 3402 direct command after expansion:
 3402   argv[0] = /etc/testScript.php
 3402 Writing message to pipe
 3402 writing data block fd=10 size=44 timeout=3600
 3402 writing data block fd=10 size=2048 timeout=3600
 3402 writing data block fd=10 size=1 timeout=3600
 3404 set_process_info:  3404 reading output from |/etc/testScript.php
 3402 use_pipe transport yielded 2
 3402 search_tidyup called
 3399 use_pipe transport returned FAIL for abc@myDomain
 3399 post-process abc@myDomain (2)
 3399 LOG: MAIN
 3399   ** abc@myDomain R=system_aliases T=use_pipe: Child process of use_pipe transport returned 127 (could mean unable to exec or command does not exist) from command: /etc/testScript.php

*testScript is present at the exact location specified in logs.

In routers section I wrote my own custom router that will deliver email to my desired php script. In transport section wrote my own custom transport that will ensure delivery to the desired script using curl. Kept the system_aliases section in Routers configuration as it is but changed driver from accept to redirect .Wrote the following configurations in my /etc/exim.cnf file:

        driver = accept
        transport = run_script
     debug_print = "T: run_script for $local_part@$domain"
     driver = pipe
     command = /home/bin/curl http://my.domain.com/mailTest.php --data-urlencode $original_local_part@$original_domain

mailTest.php was my php script

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