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Using a php named pipe


I have created a named pipe (in php ) with the following code:

$pipeFile = "/files/queue";

and now I would like to be able to send and extract data to and from the pipe with php pages (like readpipe.php , and put_in_pipe.php ).


What function calls exist that I can use inside php files that can send data to the named pipe, and receive data from the named pipe?

Important: I already now how to send and receive data to and from the pipe via the terminal:

echo lol > /files/queue
cat /path/to/pipe 

What I dont know is how to do this in a php script. If I have a page called readpipe.php , and someone enters it, the page would need to have a function call to get the next message inside the pipe (just like cat ... would do for the terminal), and similarly, a page called put_in_pipe.php would need code that puts a message into the pipe (just like echo lol > ... ).

Any and all feedback is very much appreciated!

You can use any of file IO functions available in PHP, eg file_put_content / file_get_content to write to the named pipe and read from it, but I doubt it is what you want. Pipes can hardly be used in the multi-page scenario you described.

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