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Regular expression of partial url

I have the following:


Im trying to find the 'yyyyy' in the url so far I have:


Which matches on:




However like i say I need the 'yyyyy' specific match


If xx are numbers in the actual strings, just use


Or else, use


See Demo 1 and Demo 2

Note that in JS, there is no look-behind, thus, if you must check if /sub-dept/ is in front of the substring you need, you will have to rely on capturing group mechanism:


See yet another demo


Here is a regex you can use


See demo

The regex matches a substring that contains 0 or more characters other than a / or - that is...

  • (?<=/sub-dept/[^/]*-) preceded with /sub-dept/ followed by 1 or more characters other than / and then a hyphen
  • (?=/$) - is followed by a / symbol right at the end of the string.

Or, there is a non-regex way: split the string by / , get the last part and split by - . Here is an example (without error/null checking for demo sake):

var result = text.Trim('/').Split('/').LastOrDefault().Split('-').LastOrDefault();

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