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Javascript sort array of strings with preference

I am trying to sort an array in JavaScript, but I want one specific item to always be first in the sort, and another specific item to always be last:

var Person= [{
   "Country": "Japan",
   "Name": "user1"

}, {
   "Country": "Spain",
   "Name": "user24"

}, {
   "Country": "Usa",
   "Name": "user1"

}, {
   "Country": "Brazil",
   "Name": "user1"


Here is my compare function:

function compare(a,b) {
      if (a.Country< b.Country)
        return -1;
      if (a.Country> b.Country)
        return 1;
   //here aditional condition
      if(a.Country=="Spain") //condition for last item
          return 2; 
       if(a.Country=="Brazil") //condition for always in first item
          return -1; 
      return 0;

I am running Person.sort(compare); to do the sort.

Firstly you need to check b against those strings as well, and second of all, your special comparisons need to come before the general ones.

Working Live Demo:

 function compare(a, b) { if (a.Country == "Spain") return 1; if (a.Country == "Brazil") return -1; if (b.Country == "Spain") return -1; if (b.Country == "Brazil") return 1; if (a.Country < b.Country) return -1; if (a.Country > b.Country) return 1; return 0; } var Person = [{ "Country": "Japan", "Name": "user1" }, { "Country": "Spain", "Name": "user24" }, { "Country": "Usa", "Name": "user1" }, { "Country": "Brazil", "Name": "user1" }]; Person.sort(compare); console.log(Person); 

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