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How to run Java EE application on CentOS

I created an application with EJB and JSF.

I'd like to deploy my application to the web, so I got a dedicated server from hostgator. On this server I installed CentOS 6.7, Java 7 and JBoss AS 7.1.

I addition to that I have my own domain name.

How can I deploy my application to this server and how I can make this application reachable via my domain name?

Here is information directly from JBoss:

[standalone@localhost:9999 /] deploy ~/Desktop/test-application.war
'test-application.war' deployed successfully.

[standalone@localhost:9999 /] undeploy test-application.war
Successfully undeployed test-application.war.

You can also deploy manually:

Basic workflows: All examples assume variable $AS points to the root of the JBoss AS 7 distribution.

A) Add new zipped content and deploy it:

 cp target/example.war $AS/standalone/deployments/ (Manual mode only) touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy 

B) Add new unzipped content and deploy it:

 cp -r target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments (Manual mode only) touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy 

C) Undeploy currently deployed content:

 rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.deployed 

D) Auto-deploy mode only: Undeploy currently deployed content:

 rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war 

E) Replace currently deployed zipped content with a new version and deploy it:

 cp target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments (Manual mode only) touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy 

F) Manual mode only: Replace currently deployed unzipped content with a new version and deploy it:

 rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.deployed wait for $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.undeployed file to appear cp -r target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy 

G) Auto-deploy mode only: Replace currently deployed unzipped content with a new version and deploy it:

 touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.skipdeploy cp -r target/example.war/ $AS/standalone/deployments rm $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.skipdeploy 

H) Manual mode only: Live replace portions of currently deployed unzipped content without redeploying:

 cp -r target/example.war/foo.html $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war 

I) Auto-deploy mode only: Live replace portions of currently deployed unzipped content without redeploying:

 touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.skipdeploy cp -r target/example.war/foo.html $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war 

J) Manual or auto-deploy mode: Redeploy currently deployed content (ie bounce it with no content change):

 touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war.dodeploy 

K) Auto-deploy mode only: Redeploy currently deployed content (ie bounce it with no content change):

 touch $AS/standalone/deployments/example.war 

Read more at https://docs.jboss.org/author/display/AS71/Application+deployment?_sscc=t

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