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Inserting/Retrieve data into Sqlite with Sqlite.net Extensions

i'm currently making an app that is using Sqlite to store an object that has a list of object within it. I've been having trouble trying to insert and retrieve the object for the past week and was wondering if I could get some help with this. Any helps would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

This is the database for the object to be store in with a OneToMany relationship:

    public class PatientDB
        public string ID { get; set;}
        public string Name { get; set; }
        [OneToMany(CascadeOperations = CascadeOperation.All)]
        public List<Vitals> PatientVitals { get; set;}
    public class VitalsDB
        public string PatientVitalID { get; set; }
        public string Weight { get; set;}
        public string ID { get; set; }

I have a separate object that was passed to me from a REST service in the form of json which I have successfully deserialized into the object below:

 pat = new Patient
     ID = "123",
     Name = "Doe",
 List<Vitals> vitals = new List<Vitals>
      new Vitals
         PatientVitalID = "1",
         Weight = "150",
         ID = "123"
      new Vitals
          PatientVitalID = "2",
          Weight = "160",
          ID = "123"

Below is how I insert the patient into the database:

conn = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnection();
conn.CreateTable<VitalsDB> ();

var patientToInsert = new PatientDB ();
patientToInsert.ID = pat.ID;
patientToInsert.Name = pat.Name;
var vitalsToInsert = new List ();
foreach (var vital in pat.Vitals)
var vitalToInsert = new VitalsDB ();
vitalToInsert.PatientVitalID = vital.PatientVitalsID;
vitalToInsert.Weight = vital.Weight;
conn.InsertAll (vitalsToInsert);
foreach (var vital in vitalsToInsert) 
vital.SmartCardID = patientToInsert.SmartCardID;
conn.Update (vital);

Here how I retrieve the patient

public List<PatientDB> retrieveDBPatient(string ID)
    return conn.Query<PatientDB> ("SELECT * FROM [Patient] WHERE [ID]= '" + ID + "'");

Finally, the error message

SQLite.Net.SQLiteException: Constraint
at SQLite.Net.PreparedSqlLiteInsertCommand.ExecuteNonQuery (System.Object[] source) [0x0016b] in <filename unknown>:0
at SQLite.Net.SQLiteConnection.Insert (System.Object obj, System.String extra, System.Type objType) [0x000bc] in <filename unknown>:0

Can you try this?

conn = DependencyService.Get().GetConnection();

var patientToInsert = new PatientDB();
patientToInsert.ID = pat.ID;
patientToInsert.Name = pat.Name;

patiendToInsert.PatientVitals = new List();
foreach (var vital in pat.Vitals)
    var vitalToInsert = new VitalsDB();
    vitalToInsert.PatientVitalID = vital.PatientVitalsID;
    vitalToInsert.Weight = vital.Weight;

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