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Re-enable "component tree" in Android Studio

After updating to the last version (1.4 Beta 2) in Android Studio, the "component view" in the layout editor disappeared. How can I enable this tool again?

I lost mine too, and then realized that they just moved it to the left side of the screen in the latest Android Studio 2.2 Beta 2. It took me a good 10 mins to find it. 在此输入图像描述

If you are looking for the component tree, go on the bottom left of Android Studio then click on the square (the one who show/hide the tool on the left, bottom and right) then on Designer. A new tab should be on the right part of android studio, with gradle and maver project.

A simple way of doing this --> just press shift+F12 . If this does not work then, go to windows menu --> Restore Default Layout.

  1. Close Android Studio;
  2. Open [PROJECT_PATH]/.idea/workspace.xml
  3. Search for "PropertiesComponent"
  4. In this xml node, erase this 2 lines:

     <property name="UI_DESIGNER_EDITOR_MODE.UIDesignerToolWindowManager2.WIDTH" value="1" /> <property name="UI_DESIGNER_EDITOR_MODE.UIDesignerToolWindowManager2.STATE" value="left" /> 

For some reason, the width of ComponentTree was set to something almost invisible, and this was what worked for me.

If this doesnt work, just replace the whole node:

    <component name="PropertiesComponent">
         <property name="settings.editor.selected.configurable" value="gradle.compiler" />
         <property name="settings.editor.splitter.proportion" value="0.2" />

In Android Studio 3.2.1, I too momentarily lost the Component hierarchy view. This could be a bug, where when you switch to XML mode, and then tap on the preview button on top right, it takes you to the preview mode, but the pallette, component hierarchy, etc remain hidden. To remedy, this, go back to XML mode, in the bottom you can see two tabs, namely Design and Text, tap on the 'Design'. Now you should be seeing the palette, component hierarchy and also the preview. Check the following images for illustration.


点击预览而不是设计 组件树丢失 返回xml模式,点击设计

Close your XML File, and re-open it! That's it!

It's now called Structure on the left panel. I am using

 Android Studio 3.0.1 Build #AI-171.4443003, built on November 9, 2017 JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-915-b01 amd64 JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains sro Windows 7 6.1 

See my snapshot below: 在此输入图像描述

You just need to change the device


click on the Windows and select Restore Default Layout, close and reopen the activity. The Palette and the component 3 will come auto

I had encountered this problem after moved the project location to some other folder. I tried to clean up the workspace.xml and .idea folder. But Failed. I just closed the project and imported the project once again. It worked for me!!!

Find the vertical tab of component tree in the image below在此处输入图片说明

On Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 3, I found the button for it at the bottom left of the Design view of my XML file: (In my case, it's in the middle of the screen because I'm in Split View)


Click this button to restore the menu. There is a similar functionality available under the bottom left icon that looks like 2 stacked squares. It's called "Structure". This alternative is also available with Alt+7

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