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How does one disable/ re-enable touch events in Android?

Quick, probably simple, question. I have a view whose background is animating, and during that time, I want to disable the user from interacting with the view. My view is a FrameLayout, and I'm capturing touch events with onTouchEvent(). Solutions I've tried:

1) First setOnTouchListener(null), then setOnTouchListener(this). Problem is, my view only calls onTouchEvent(MotionEvent), and not onTouch(View, MotionEvent), so I can't pump through the Events there.

2) First setEnabled(false), then setEnabled(true). The source code says: A disabled view that is clickable still consumes the touch events, it just doesn't respond to them. Problem is, MotionEvents still get pumped through in onTouchEvent().

3) requestDisallowInterceptTouchEvent(false), then (true). This only handles touch events from the parent.

The solution I have working is using a boolean variable isAnimating, and checking the value of that in onTouchEvent(). I'd rather not do this, because it looks ugly to me and I'd rather use the API for it than reinvent the wheel, sooo... anyone got any ideas? Thanks.

试试: setFocusable()setFocusableInTouchMode()


public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
    //Check if event is on your view
        //event occured inside your view

    //here return super or as your logic prefer
    return super.onTouchEvent(event);

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