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PHP Regular Expression to check Alphameric String

I wrote the PHP code using Regular Expression . I give the following array as input string:

$alphmericGoodCases = array('ASDFGH123', 'ASFGH1234', '1234567', '555 abcdf', '#$&%^@-');
foreach($alphmericGoodCases as $alphmericGoodCase){
if(preg_match('/^[A-Za-z0-9\s_-]+$/', $alphmericGoodCase)) {
   echo "true";
   echo "false";

The output is like as true , true , true , true and false. But, I want the last one is also true. Where I am missing the Regular Expression ?

If you want the special characters, just use this shorter version:

$alphmericGoodCases = array('ASDFGH123', 'ASFGH1234', '1234567', '555 

abcdf', '#$&%^@-');
foreach($alphmericGoodCases as $alphmericGoodCase)

   if(preg_match('/^.+$/', $alphmericGoodCase)) {
      echo "true";
      echo "false";

This basically says "match any string, except the newline character"

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