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Check if Filename Already Exists in an Array

How can I check if a certain file name already exists in my array? For example, on initial load, I get some files from the server:

var initialFiles = ['file1_1','file2_0','file3_3','file4_2','file5_6'];

I push them to an array and set in sessionStorage:

sessionStorage.setItem('file-names', JSON.stringify(filesArray));

Then after a user interacts with the site, I get more files:

var newFiles = ['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file1_2', 'file3_5', 'file4_6'];

You can see that file1_1 and file2_0 have already been loaded. How do I NOT add those file names in the array?

See an example here: http://jsbin.com/hiyefexudi/edit?html,js,console

You can check to see if each file in the new array is in the old one using indexOf == -1

fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/L42h7uhm/

var initialFiles = ['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file3_3', 'file4_2', 'file5_6'];

var newFiles = ['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file1_2', 'file3_5', 'file4_6'];

newFiles.forEach(function (file) {
    console.log(initialFiles.indexOf(file) == -1);

You can concatenate both arrays and filter out non-unique items.

var initialFiles = ['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file3_3', 'file4_2', 'file5_6'];

var newFiles = ['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file1_2', 'file3_5', 'file4_6'];

var newArray = initialFiles.concat(newFiles);

var uniqueArray = newArray.filter(function(item, pos) {
    return newArray.indexOf(item) == pos;


Using ES6 semantics (modern browser, transpiled code or latest node.js), you can more efficiently use a Set object which will automatically keep duplicates out.

 var files = new Set(['file1_1','file2_0','file3_3','file4_2','file5_6']);
 var newFiles = ['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file1_2', 'file3_5', 'file4_6'];

 sessionStorage.setItem('file-names', JSON.stringify(Array.from(files)));

Working demo: http://jsfiddle.net/jfriend00/7d1dy1p7/

MDN reference on the Set object

And, there are numerous polyfills for the Set object too as it is a generally useful concept, particularly for things like this. Here's one I've created: Mimicking sets in JavaScript?

Or, if you're trying to find out which items in the newFiles list are actually new and not in the files list already, then you can do that like this.

 var files = new Set(['file1_1','file2_0','file3_3','file4_2','file5_6']);
 var newFiles = ['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file1_2', 'file3_5', 'file4_6'];

 var uniqueNewFiles = newFiles.filter(function(item) {
     return !files.has(item);

Then, afterwards to update the existing files list, you can add these to it:


Or, using a more capable Set object , you could do this:

 var files = new Set(['file1_1','file2_0','file3_3','file4_2','file5_6']);
 var newFiles = new Set(['file1_1', 'file2_0', 'file1_2', 'file3_5', 'file4_6']);

  var uniqueNewFiles = newFiles.difference(files);

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