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How to assign a worksheet variable using a string

I have a table with a list of report data sources, including server name, table, fields, groupby etc... I can then select the entries I wish to refresh via Slicer and hit REFFRESH. One column has the name of the table where the data should be put, just a basic string. How can I assign that to a worksheet variable.

I get TYPE MISMATCH when using the following. x is just part of a loop that checks each row in the table to see if it is selected.

dim oLo As ListObject, cTab As Worksheet
Set cTab = wb.Sheets(oLo.DataBodyRange.Cells(x, 10))

Any ideas?

Took me 5 minutes to write the question, then I get a flash of inspiration. I just needed to add a "" & and & "" before/after the variable/cell reference.

Set wb = ThisWorkbook
Set ws = wb.Sheets("ADMIN")
Set oLo = ws.ListObjects(1)    

For x = 1 To rCNT
    'Trigger update for each visible row
    If oLo.DataBodyRange.Rows(x).Hidden = False Then
        cFields = oLo.DataBodyRange.Cells(x, 7)
        cTable = oLo.DataBodyRange.Cells(x, 6)
        cCriteria = oLo.DataBodyRange.Cells(x, 8)
        cGroup = oLo.DataBodyRange.Cells(x, 9)
        Set cTab = wb.Sheets(oLo.DataBodyRange.Cells(x, 10).Value)
        Set cRng = cTab.Range(oLo.DataBodyRange.Cells(x, 11))
        ' - Call to function that refreshes the data
        ' - TBC
        ' - -------------------------------------
    End If
Next x

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