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Iterate through a String array and assign the value to Worksheet

I am fairly new to VBA, so pardon for any silly mistakes.

I have the names of my worksheets in an array. I am trying to go to each of the worksheets in the array by using the following:

Set ws = Worksheets(listBoxValuesArray(arrayIndex))

But I get the error message saying "Subscript out of Range"

I also tried this:

Sheets.Select (listBoxValuesArray(arrayIndex))

When I print the listBoxValuesArray(arrayIndex) I am getting the values

Here is the complete for loop

Dim arraySize As Integer
arraySize = jobSheetsDisplay.ListCount
Dim listBoxValuesArray() As Variant
Dim listBoxArrayIndex As Integer
Dim arrayValue As Variant
Dim listBoxIndex As Integer
Dim arrayIndex As Integer
Dim ws As Worksheet
ReDim listBoxValuesArray(arraySize)
listBoxArrayIndex = 0
For listBoxIndex = 0 To jobSheetsDisplay.ListCount - 1
    If jobSheetsDisplay.Selected(listBoxIndex) Then
    listBoxValuesArray(listBoxArrayIndex) = CStr(jobSheetsDisplay.List(listBoxIndex))
    listBoxArrayIndex = listBoxArrayIndex + 1
   End If
Next listBoxIndex
For arrayIndex = 0 To UBound(listBoxValuesArray) 
Set ws = Worksheets(listBoxValuesArray(arrayIndex)) '
MsgBox (listBoxValuesArray(arrayIndex))
Next arrayIndex

Basically, I get the values into the array from a list box in a form. The array is defined as a variant type and so is the array index.

Thanks for any help

Your Set command works fine for me in this context:

Sub dural()
    Dim listBoxValuesArray(1 To 3) As String
    For i = 1 To 3
        listBoxValuesArray(i) = Worksheets(i).Name
    Next i

    arrayIndex = 2
    Set ws = Worksheets(listBoxValuesArray(arrayIndex))
End Sub

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