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Jquery. Binding the instantiation of a plugin on dynamically loaded content

Having a problem selecting an id within a dynamically placed div tag on a page.

It's a date field and I'd like to have a datepicker show up when the user focuses on the field. That I'm trying to set up a plugin instead of doing any other kind of jQuery event is, I think, my problem.

So here's the dynamically loaded content that is placed on the page when a user clicks one of several radio buttons in a "calendar".

    $("#S_Date").html('<input type="text" name="Start_Date" id="Start_Date" value="2016-05-24" />2016-05-24');

#S_Date is the parent div id that is loaded when the document loads.

I'm using the "PickMeUp" datepicker plugin.

From what I can tell, I need to use the on() event handler but I just can't seem to get it to bind to #Start_Date .

Here's my latest attempt at trying to call it:

var pickitup = $("#Start_Date").pickmeup({format  : 'Y-m-d'});
$("#S_Date").on('focus', "#Start_Date", function(){pickitup});

With pickitup defined, I have also tried:

$("#S_Date").on('focus', "#Start_Date", pickitup);

$("#S_Date").on('focus', "#Start_Date", function(){pickmeup({format : 'Ym-d'})}); fails out of the gate with a pickmeup is not defined error.

Ideas anyone?

So, if I'm understanding what you're doing, you want to insert some html into a given element on that click event, then apply the date picker functionality to it?

$("#s10").on("click", function() { //when the element is clicked...
  //create an input with the appropriate attributes
  var picker = $("<input />", { type: "text", name: "Start_Date", value: "2016-05-24" }); 
  //append it to the desired element(s)
  //run the plugin on it
  picker.pickmeup({format: 'Y-m-d'});

Here's a working (simple) fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/s6vu0rnq/

The undefined error you got was because "pickmeup" is a property of jquery's prototype, but you were trying to call it from the global scope.

Also, ".click" is just an alias for ".on", so you can use either.

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