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How are temporary objects created and what's the actual operations that takes place?

Can anyone Explain how the output of this code is :

deleting 0xbfc69f7c  3,7
deleting 0xbfc69f84  2,4
deleting 0xbfc69f8c  1,3

Why aren't temporary objects destructor getting called which was created during the return from overloaded + operator. Is the Fraction object created inside the + function and its temporary copy are same and destructor is called just once, I guess that should not be the case. Can anyone explain what the actual operations that are taking place here.

Thanks in advance!

class Fraction{

    int num ; 
    int den ;
    Fraction( int x = 0  , int y = 0  ){ num = x ; den =  y ;  }
    Fraction( const Fraction & f ){

        cout<<"Copy Constructor for "<<f.num<<" , "<<f.den<<endl ;
        num = f.num ;
        den = f.den ; 

    Fraction operator+( const Fraction& f) const{

        int x = f.num + num ; 
        int y = f.den + den  ;

        return Fraction(x,y) ; 



        cout<<"deleting "<<this<<"  "<<num<<","<<den<<endl ; 



int main() {

    Fraction f1(1,3);
    Fraction f2( 2, 4 );
    Fraction f3 = f1 + f2 ; 

    return 0;

It's because of return value optimization and copy elision (thanks to Joachim). The temporary object will be eliminated.

This line doesn't create a new Fraction and then copy it to f3 :

Fraction f3 = f1 + f2 ;

It initializes f3 with the contents of f1 and then the + operator is used to add f2 . No temporary object is created and deleted. Eg The copy constructor of Fraction is used instead of the assignment operator . A temporary object would be created and the assignment operator used in this case :

Fraction f3;
f3 = f1 + f2;

As others have pointed out, the compiler will optimize the use of the copy constructor and avoid (elide) the copy of f1 to f3 even if you build in debug mode.

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