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Template argument deduction of string literal

Consider this simple function

template<typename T>
void func(const T& x) {std::cout<< typeid(T).name();}

now if I call function func("ddd") , what does T deduces to? . If there were no const in func 's parameter , T would be simply char [4] , Whats confusing me is addition of const , what does T deduces to ?

is it : const char [4] . If I change the parameter to T const &x (ie change order of const ) does deduction produces T to char const [4] ?

Can anyone explain argument deduction with string literals?

String literals are arrays of const characters.

A reference to string literal of 4 chars is of type char const (&)[4] .

const char [4] and char const [4] are same types!

char const (&)[N] , const char [N] and char const [N] all deduce to char const [N]

#include <iostream>

template<typename T>
void func1(T& x) {std::cout<< typeid(T).name()<<std::endl;}

template<typename T>
void func2(const T& x) {std::cout<< typeid(T).name()<<std::endl;}

template<typename T>
void func3(T const &x) {std::cout<< typeid(T).name()<<std::endl;}

int main()
    char c[4]= {'a','b','c','d'};
    const char c1[4]= {'a','b','c','d'};
    char const c2[4]= {'a','b','c','d'};

    func1("abcd"); //prints char const [4]
    func1(c); //prints char [4]
    func1(c1); //prints char const [4]
    func1(c2); //prints char const [4]

    func2("abcd"); //prints char const [4]
    func2(c); //prints char [4]
    func2(c1); //prints char const [4]
    func2(c2); //prints char const [4]

    func3("abcd"); //prints char const [4]
    func3(c); //prints char [4]
    func3(c1); //prints char const [4]
    func3(c2); //prints char const [4]

    return 0;

now if I call function func() , what does T deduces to?

If you call with a string literal, then T deduces to char const[N] .

If there were no const in func's parameter , T would be simply char [4]

If you mean that if you declared the parameter as T& x , then no: T would still be deduced to char const[N] if you call with a string literal.

If you mean that you call func with a non-const array, then yes: T would be deduced non-const.

If I change the parameter to T const &x

That changes nothing because const T & is just another way of writing T const & .

const usually refers to whatever is in front of it:

char const * -- pointer to constant char

char * const -- constant pointer to char

char const * const -- constant pointer to constant char

char Foo::bar() const -- constant member function returning char


The leading const is an exception dating back to the early days of C:

const char * <=> char const *

So, changing the ordering in your template would not change the type at all ( T const & <=> const T & ).

If you want to be consistent about const placement, use the trailing type exclusively, because it's the only way you can place const consistently.

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