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MYSQL importing dump completed with errors

when I try to import my exported dump file (specifically my database/schema) to other computer, I got this error;

D:\\CAPSTONE SYSTEM\\MyDataBaseCAPSTONE\\Dump20150922\\schm_capstonesystem_routines.sql does not contain schema/table information 16:58:55 Restoring schm_capstonesystem (employee_entry) Running: mysql.exe --defaults-file="c:\\users\\kc\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpnowdu_.cnf" --protocol=tcp --host=localhost --user=root --port=3306 --default-character-set=utf8 --comments --database=schm_capstonesystem < "D:\\CAPSTONE SYSTEM\\MyDataBaseCAPSTONE\\Dump20150922\\schm_capstonesystem_employee_entry.sql" ERROR 1049 (42000): Unknown database 'schm_capstonesystem'

Operation failed with exitcode 1

Please help~! :-(

The error is Unknown database . You have to create the database 'schm_capstonesystem' first. And then run the import of your dump.

In case you don't know how to create the schema as in the answer above: right Click the left pane under Schema in SQL, click create schema,enter a name for the schema (preferably the same as the db your importing) click apply. Then do the import

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