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Importing from MySQL dump to Clickhouse

I want to import from MySQL dump to Clickhouse. I've tried going through the official docs but cannot find anything. I've tried importing using CSV following Stack Overflow answer . Any help appreciated. I've an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.

On small data, the export to tsv will work but at large it will not work, because only export will take a lot of time.

In this case, you need to import directly from stdout and clickhouse knows how to do it perfectly.

Example code:

mysql -u user  -ppass --compress -ss -e "SELECT * FROM table WHERE id >0  AND id <=1000000" db_name | sed 's/\"//g;s/\t/","/g;s/^/"/;s/$/"/' | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO db_name.table FORMAT CSV"

Using this method, I import 500 GB and 1,9 billion rows in 7-10 hours in a clickhouse

You can export data from MySQL into TSV file using MySQL command line:

mysql -Bse "select * from TABLE_NAME" > table.tsv

And then import data to ClickHouse:

cat table.tsv | clickhouse-client --query="INSERT INTO TABLE_NAME FORMAT TabSeparated"
mysql --protocol tcp -u clickhouse_user_name -p -P 9004 your_db_name < data.sql


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