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ASP.NET : Adding Restrictions to different webforms

I am currently looking for some advise & help to how I can avoid people from accessing pages unless they are (1) Logged in , (2) Have the correct role to visit that page.

So far I have done a Login Page / Registration Page & Some more Pages. I also have a database linked to these pages that stores the users & their respective role (Currently on registration the user can select to be an admin or a normal user)

Now I would like that if anyone who is not even a user tries to access a Page by changing the URL , the system would block that and re-direct him to an error page, and so-on so forth.

You can use authorization rules for a particular page or folder in web.config . The below code snippet will only allow access to users with admin role to the AdminFolder .

<location path="AdminFolder">
<allow roles="Admin"/> //Allows users in Admin role
<deny users="*"/> // deny everyone else

You can expand as required. There's a very useful blog here

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