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Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment in uft

Thanks in Advance :) I can get the row count but not the column count using columncount method in uft 12.2. It simples throws an error at AccNoCol=AccNoTB.ColumnCount Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'AccNoTB.ColumnCount'. I know the column count is 8 here however they are dynamic & there is a risk to hard code the column count in script. Could you plz point out the correct? Thanks again

Set AccNoTB=browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").webtable("column names:=;Account No;Account Name;Billing City;Website;Phone;Assigned To;Action","cols:=8")




MsgBox AccTBvalue`

The column count of each row in the WebTable can differ therefore ColumnCount requires a parameter to specify to UFT which row's column count you're interested in.

 A row can have <table border=1> <tr><td>One</td></tr> <tr><td>or</td><td>two</td></tr> <tr><td>or</td><td>even</td><td>more</td></tr> </table> Columns 

Two simple ways to get Row and Column counts.

Note that I've removed "cols:=8" from object description, assuming the WebTablt is getting identified by column names .

Set AccNoTB=browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").webtable("column names:=;Account No;Account Name;Billing City;Website;Phone;Assigned To;Action")

Two ways to get Rows count

AccNoRow = AccNoTB.GetROProperty("rows")    '<-- 1
AccNoRow = AccNoTB.RowCount                 '<-- 2

Two ways to get Column count

AccNoCol = AccNoTB.GetROProperty("cols")    '<-- 1
iRow = 2
AccNoCol = AccNoTB.ColumnCount(iRow)        '<-- 2 This way is useful when you have different columns in different rows.

Now lets take the example that @Motti have given. In this case we'll run a loop and get the column count.

Set AccNoTB=browser("title:=.*").page("title:=.*").webtable("column names:=;Account No;Account Name;Billing City;Website;Phone;Assigned To;Action")
AccNoRow = AccNoTB.RowCount

For i = 1 To AccNoRow
    AccNoCol = AccNoTB.ColumnCount(i)
    Print "Row " & i & " has " && " column/s."


Row 1 has 1 column/s.
Row 2 has 2 column/s.
Row 3 has 3 column/s.
set a=Browser("OrangeHRM").Page("OrangeHRM_2").WebTable("micclass:=WebTable","html tag:=TABLE")


MsgBox co
'set b=Browser("OrangeHRM").Page("OrangeHRM_2").WebTable("micclass:=WebTable","html tag:=TABLE")


MsgBox col

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