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Getting the actual class of a message body

I'm passing a List of different objects to a camel route. I would like the route to split the body into one object per message and put the class of the body in a header (using a processor).

        .process(new JmsTypeHeaderProcessor(body().getClass().getName()))

I'm trying it like this...

@Produce(uri = "direct:in") private ProducerTemplate template;
@EndpointInject(uri = "mock:out") private MockEndpoint endpoint;

public void testRoute() throws Exception {
    List<Object> list = new ArrayList<>();


    for (Exchange ex : endpoint.getExchanges()) {
        System.out.println("JMSType=" + ex.getIn().getHeader("JMSType"));

When I run that I find I actually have the headers




whereas I expected, and would like




What is needed to get the class of the actual body?

BTW. I can see that log("body.class") returns what I want but I have not been able to follow how it works or adapt it for my needs.

The Camel routes are designed in the route builder and the code is run once, to setup the routes.

So this code

.process(new JmsTypeHeaderProcessor(body().getClass().getName()))

Is invoked once, and body().getClass() returns the ValueBuilder as that is what is used at design time in the DSL to specify body etc.

If you want to access the runtime message body, then get that from the Exchange from the process method of your processor. That is the runtime message and then you can get the body.

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