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How to improve the performance of this PHP code?

This is the structure of the php code that I am using

$Objects = $account->api1(); // This returns an object array with each object being O(data1, data2, data3)
$retValue = array();
foreach($Objects as $O)
    if($O->data2 == 'something')
        $data4 = $account->api2($O->data2); // returns a value $data4
        // Initialize $tmp;
        $tmp->data1 = $O->data1;
        $tmp->data3 = $O->data3;
        $tmp->data4 = $data4;
        $retValue[] = $tmp;

Basically what I need is an object array of the following for which data2 = 'something'


Is there a way in which I can simplify this process. Each api call costs money and also involves request across request which makes this process both costly and also slow.Can this be improved anyway ? Even little bit improvement in performance/no of calls would be really helpful.

Important: I'll assume you have some typos in your question and the following equivalences

  • $data2 means $O->data2 Fixed in the question
  • $O->data4 means $data4 Fixed in the question

Calling $account->api2($O->data2) should always return the same value because you always check that $O->data2 is equal to "something" .. So you can call it just once, insteand of each time you have a hit.


    $Objects = $account->api1(); // This returns an object array with each object being O(data1, data2, data3)
    $retValue = array();

    foreach($Objects as $O)
        if($O->data2 == 'something')

            // Here, you just call api2 the first time (or never, maybe, if you never needed to)
            $data4 = isset($data4) ? $data4 : $account->api2($O->data2);

            // Initialize $tmp;
            $tmp->data1 = $O->data1;
            $tmp->data3 = $O->data3;
            $tmp->data4 = $data4;
            $retValue[] = $tmp;


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