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Retrofit: Sending POST request with JSON Array

I have JsonElement jsonElement object which I receive as response from my another GET request. jsonElement.toString(); looks like JSON array:


I need to send this string via another POST request using Retrofit. How can I send jsonElement or String object via POST request? How should look declaration of my method? For example:

    public void getFriendsLocation(/* something */,  Callback<JsonElement> response);

If you are sending data over request body your implementation should be like this:

  1. Define model according to fields (CaseSensitive "Name" -> String Name etc )
  2. set your api function also like that

    @POST("/api/geo/getLoc") public void getFriendsLocation(@Body YourClass classObject, Callback<JsonElement> response);
  3. Use directly your created class object on post request

    getFriendsLocation(yourClassObjectThatIncludesFields, new Callback .... )

If your sending data over params You can do this with Gson.

  1. Lets say you have a class that have fields like id , number and FriendNumber.Define a function :

     public static Map<String, Object> getMapFromObject(Object o) { Gson gson = new Gson(); Type stringObjectMap = new TypeToken<Map<String, Object>>() { }.getType(); return gson.fromJson(gson.toJson(o), stringObjectMap); }
  2. set your api function also like that

    @POST("/api/geo/getLoc") public void getFriendsLocation(@QueryMap Map<String, Object>, Callback<JsonElement> response);
  3. When you are sending post request create object from your fields call this function like below here

    getFriendsLocation(getMapFromObject(yourClassObjectThatIncludesFields), new Callback .... )

I didnt write whole code which includes class definition and Callback function because they are up to your customization. I assume that you need to send over body so try the first way.

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