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C# Winforms EF6 - multiple update exception handling

C# Winforms, SQL Server, Entity Framework 6.

So I have two tables, Employee and BusinessGroup . Employee is a foreign key in BusinessGroup .

As part of my testing, I'm trying to delete two employees and then calling SaveChanges() .

Naturally, it throws a DbUpdateException which I catch and am attempting to handle.

Here's my issue: The exception seems to get thrown as soon as the first delete (attempt) takes place. What I'd like to do for my users is list ALL the records that cause a conflict (two in this case).

How can I do this?


Is the record you are trying to delete referenced/foreign keyed on another table? You will need to delete first the referenced record to those employees before actually deleting the employee record itself.

For example, Table A is the main table, and is referenced in Table B . You will not be able to delete a record in A unless you delete first those records in B referenced by a record in A .

So delete B records related to A record, then delete record in A .

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