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Invalid variance: The type parameter must be invariantly valid but is covariant

What is wrong with this?

// does not compile
interface IRepository<out T>
    Task<T> Get(int id);

The compiler complains:

Invalid variance: The type parameter 'T' must be invariantly valid on ... 'T' is covariant.

However, when I remove the Task, the code compiles:

// compiles
interface IRepository<out T>
    T Get(int id);

Why would making an interface asynchronous cause it to not compile?

As Asad mentioned above, Task<T> cannot be covariant because it is a class . The MSDN states:

Only interface types and delegate types can have variant type parameters.

If only there was a covariant ITask<T> interface .

After some googling, I found this suggested at visualstudio.uservoice.com . In the comments, Jeffrey Morse links to his implementation of ITask<T> .

Nice work Jeff!

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