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Even? function in Scheme (Dr. Racket)

I'm trying to write a program in Scheme to compute the result of the power function using the fast power algorithm/recursion. The algorithm should be correct, but somewhere my syntax is off. The program compiles, but when I input a base and exp to test, Dr. Racket freezes up and runs out of memory. Having a difficult time locating online examples for how the (even?) function should appear in scheme code. I think this might be throwing my syntax off. New to scheme so any help would be much appreciated.

(define (powFun base exp)
    (if ( = exp 0)                       //base case
       (even? exp                        //if exp is even
            (powFun base ( / exp 2))
            (powFun base ( / exp 2))

          (powFun base (- exp 1) )      // else if exp is odd


You seem to be using even? as if it was some kind of macro that behaves like if . But even? is a regular function that takes one argument, so you should have written (even? exp) and not (even? exp evaluate-if-even evaluate-if-not-even) . That means the return value of even? needs its own if expression:

(if base-case
   (if (even? exp)

...which means you should be using cond instead.

Or, you could define a macro that works the way you thought even? worked. Let's call it if-even :

(define-syntax if-even
    (syntax-rules ()
       ((_ n evaluate-if-even evaluate-if-not-even)
        (if (even? n) evaluate-if-even evaluate-if-not-even))))

Then replace even? in your original program with if-even . Correcting your use of even? and then switching to cond instead of if is the better option, though.

even? is not similar to if - you use it to test whether one number is even.
It does not have "branches":

> (even? 2)
> (even? 2 "even" "odd")
. . ..\..\Program Files (x86)\Racket\share\pkgs\drracket\drracket\private\rep.rkt:1088:24: even?: arity mismatch;
 the expected number of arguments does not match the given number
  expected: 1
  given: 3

You can use it as a test in a conditional:

> (if (even? 2) "even" "odd")

If you want to test several conditions, it's convenient to use cond instead of if :

> (define x 3)
> (cond ((= x 1) "one")
         ((even? x) "even")
         (else "odd"))

But that's not the reason for DrRacket "freezing".

The reason for that is that the division is not an integer division but actually produces an exact fractional result:

> (/ 1 2)
> (/ (/ 1 2) 2)
> (/ (/ (/ 1 2) 2) 2)

so you will never reach the terminating case.

You should use the quotient procedure:

> (quotient 3 2)
> (quotient 2 2)
> (quotient 1 2)

Making use of the sqr procedure and changing your brackets from "C style" to "Scheme style", it might look like this:

(define (powFun base exp)
    (if (= exp 0) 
       (if (even? exp)
           (sqr (powFun base (quotient exp 2)))
           (* (powFun base (- exp 1)) base))))


(define (powFun base exp)
    (cond ((= exp 0) 1)                                    
          ((even? exp) (sqr (powFun base (quotient exp 2))))
          (else (* (powFun base (- exp 1)) base))))

> (powFun 2 3)
> (powFun 2 0)
> (powFun 2 300)

Side note: the interaction window is extremely useful for testing small parts of code when you're looking for a problem.

if can only take max 2 clauses, then and else without keyword. In this situation, you can either use nested if or cond . Following is an example of cond :

(cond ((= expr 0) 1)
      ((even? exp) #| do even ... |#)
      (else #| do odd |#))

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