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How to create Boolean expression from a namedtuple within a list on Python

from collections import namedtuple

Book = namedtuple('Book', 'title author year price')

best = Book('John Dixie',
                'James Pi', 1922, 22.60)

better = Book('Clifford', 
               'Jane Doe', 2005, 20.00)

worst = Book('Nightingale',
                     'Daniel Smith', 1905, 27.90)

booklist = [best, better, worst]

With this given information, how do I create a boolean expression that the price of booklist[0] is higher than that of booklist[1] ? I tried comparing booklist[0[3]] to booklist[1[3]] , but I don't think that's the correct format for comparing a namedtuple within a list. How should I do this?

If you have the book (eg booklist[0] ), just write [3] after it (no spaces). But prefer to use the name, not an index. It's a named tuple.

Whether you have the book in a variable or accessed in a different way (in this case by getting an element from a list) is irrelevant.

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