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Move maven module between parent projects in eclipse

I'm having a maven multi module structure as shown below

   - childApp1
   - childApp2
   - childApp3
   - tchild1
   - tchild2
   - tchild3

After importing maven projects to eclipse it imports properly and individual projects are created for child projects. I want to move tchild1 module under ParentApp1 parent in the above strucute. After drag and drop the dependencies are not resolved. Even i tried with update Maven project in eclipse. Can anybody tell me is it possible to move modules between projects by drag and drop ? If yes, please provide me an any suggestion or reference else please tell me the steps to move the modules between maven projects

You need to add the project on the pom.xml of the parent(ParentApp1) And also change the parent on the tchild1 pom.xml

ParentApp1 pom.xml <modules> <module>tchild1</module> </modules>

TChild1 pom.xml <parent> <artifactId>ParentApp1</artifactId> <groupId>...</groupId> <version>...</version> </parent>

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