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Error creating new Java Project in Eclipse

I have Eclipse Kepler. I recently deleted my JRE 7 folder and I'm now using the JDK 8. When I create a new project I get a caution sign with something related to compliance level:


What do I need to do to encounter the problem?

Kepler doesn't have 1.8 compliance support, so you have to update to a newer version of Eclipse (like Juno).

When you do, you have to make sure that you have properly pointed the JDK installation directory in Eclipse. You can navigate to WindowPreferencesJavaInstalled JREs , add the JDK8 environment (and select it as default, as you don't have any other, since you have deleted 1.7 one).


Then, when you navigate to WindowPreferencesJavaCompiler , you should be able to select 1.8 as "Compliance level", as shown here:


Eclipse Kepler不支持Java8。您需要转到Eclipse的当前版本(Eclipse Mars)以获得Java 8的全面支持。

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