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javascript find 3rd occureance of a substring in a string

I am trying to extract the substring between 3rd occurance of '|' character and ';GTSet' string within string

For Example, if my string is "AP0|#c7477474-376c-abab-2990-918aac222213;L0|#0a4a23b12-125a-2ac2-3939-333aav111111|ABC xxx;pATeND|#222222ANCJ-VCVC-2262-737373-3838383";

I would like to extract "ABC xxx" from above string using javascript. I have tried following options

 var str = "AP0|#c7477474-376c-abab-2990-918aac222213;L0|#0a4a23b12-125a-2ac2-3939-333aav111111|ABC xxx;pATeND|#222222ANCJ-VCVC-2262-737373-3838383"; alert(str.match(/^|\\;pATeND(.*)$/gm)); //var n = str.search(";pATeND"); //to get the 3rd occurance of | character //var m = str.search("s/\\(.\\{-}\\z|\\)\\{3}"); 

This lookahead regex should work:


RegEx Demo

Or if paTeND text is know known then grab the value after 3rd | :


and use captured group #1.

Demo 2

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