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Binding to Static class property and StringFormat

I am able to bind a static class property to a MenuItem header, but I cannot determine how to include a StringFormat so that I can display hard-coded text in addition to the property.

Is this possible?

Currently: (Displays "SQLSERVER1")

Header="{x:Static settings:Settings.CurrentServer}"

Desired: (Display "Connection: SQLSERVER1")

Header="{Binding Source={x:Static Settings:Settings.CurrentServer},StringFormat='Connection: {0}'}"

When I try the 'Desired' line in the XAML the StringFormat is ignored entirely. What am I doing wrong?

MenuItem provides a HeaderStringFormat property that you should use:

<MenuItem Header="{Binding Source={x:Static Settings:Settings.CurrentServer}}"
          HeaderStringFormat="Connection: {0}" />

Actually, that property is part of HeaderedItemsControl , which MenuItem happens to extend.

The StringFormat property is just ignored.

I suffered a similar problem and got around it by utilising ContentControl and it's separate ContentStringFormat property:

<TextBlock Cursor="Help" Text="Hello World" >
        <ContentControl Content="{Binding Path=SomeProperty, Source={x:Static local:SomeStaticClass}}" ContentStringFormat="Hello {0}" />

The following works for me as of .NET 5:

<Window Title="{Binding Source={x:Static vm:ApplicationSettings.ProductName}, StringFormat='{}{0} Document'}" />

where ProductName is defined as:

public static string ProductName {get { ... ; } }

StringFormat is disregarded for Content and Header, because their TargetType is not System.String. Those properties have corresponding *StringFormat properties to get around that limitation.

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