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What java do i have for my event listener

I have a Java class and although I know OO C# C++ but not handy with Java. This class runs on the web and it is a page that has a few controls on it. What I like to do is to create a listener so when F1 is pressed I could pop up a message for start or something.... I have been told that there are many flavours of Java and the listener that I write depends on what Java it is that I am using.... 1- How do I figure out what flavour or Java I have so I could continue my research on how to do a Key-board even listener on this code. Thanks

You can find your Java version by doing:

$java -version

in the terminal.

I suspect what you need to know is what GUI framework you're using. There are three GUI frameworks:

  1. AWT
  2. Swing
  3. JavaFX

Unless your Java learning resource is very old, you are probably working with Swing or JavaFX- if you see words like JFrame , JApplet , or JPanel , you're using Swing. If you see Stages or Groups , you are working with JavaFX.

Here is more information related to Swing and JavaFX:


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