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How I can post a String from View to the Controller in ASP.NET MVC 5?

net mvc 5 and have a view "Search.cshtml" and a controller "HomeController" and a model "user".

I try to create a DataTable out of Active Directory and show this in a table in the view.

I can show the table in the view but i want to implement a search textfield for selection a value in this table.

For this I create a method for testing and have the Method in my controller:

public ActionResult Search(string searchString){
    var data = GetTable(searchstring);
    return View(data);

static DataTable GetTable(string data){
   //...here i get data from the active Directory and filter with data parameter

And here is my View




   <input type="submit" value="Suchen">

         @foreach(DataColumn col in MOdel.Columns){
      @foreach(DataRow col in Model.Rows){
           @foreach(DataColumn col in Model.Columns){


How I can post my SearchString to my Controller and then I know wht i must do ;)

Just specify action and controller name in the BeginForm method:

@using(Html.BeginForm("Search", "Home")){

Also I believe parameter names are case sensitive, so make sure textbox name corresponds to that of action parameter:


Assuming you do not have any special routing setup, that should do it - when user clicks submit button, "Search" action should get triggered.

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