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Is there anything like spring-hateoas' AnnotationMappingDiscoverer for RESTEasy?

When using Spring's HATEOAS support, I really like the AnnotationMappingDiscoverer which helps avoid hard-coding REST resource paths in tests. With it, I can do things like

discoverer = new AnnotationMappingDiscoverer(RequestMapping.class);
Method method = MyController.class.getMethod("myResourceMethod", params);
String path = discoverer.getMapping(method);

And then use that path as the resource path in tests. Much better than hard-coding paths in tests that have to be kept in sync with the controller class and method annotations.

Is there anything similar for RESTEasy?

You can use the UriBuilder :

Assuming following class:

public class PersonResource {

    public Response get(@PathParam("id") String id) {


You would get the path like this:

URI path = UriBuilder.fromResource(PersonResource.class)
                     .path(PersonResource.class, "get")
// path = /persons/4711

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