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Setting SFTP Sublime Text 3 for EC2 Amazon Linux Instance

I have been trying to set up a remote (FTP) access to some playground files on AWS EC2 instance. Having created an FTP user and installed vsftp, I kept getting a "connection timeout" from Sublime/SFTP. I decided to try the SSH key route. Here is my server setup in SFTP. It also gets "connection timeout." What could be the reason for this? Is this on the client or server side? Now, before anyone suggests it, I do have port 22 as my SSH port in AWS Security Groups / Inbound Rules settings.

I blanked out some entries like server, password and keyname.

// sftp, ftp or ftps
"type": "sftp",

"sync_down_on_open": true,
"sync_same_age": true,

"host": "ec2-xx-xx-xx-xxx.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com",
"user": "ec2",
//"password": "******",
"port": "22",

"remote_path": "/home/user/",
//"file_permissions": "664",
//"dir_permissions": "775",

//"extra_list_connections": 0,

"connect_timeout": 30,
//"keepalive": 120,
//"ftp_passive_mode": true,
//"ftp_obey_passive_host": false,
"ssh_key_file": " ~/.ssh/file.pem",
//"sftp_flags": ["-F", "~/.ssh/file.pem"],
"sftp_flags": ["-o IdentityFile=/Users/user/.ssh/file.pem"]
 //"sftp_flags": ["-o", IdentityFile="/Users/user/.ssh/file.pem"],

//"preserve_modification_times": false,
//"remote_time_offset_in_hours": 0,
//"remote_encoding": "utf-8",
//"remote_locale": "C",
//"allow_config_upload": false,


This worked for me:

    "type": "sftp",
    "save_before_upload": true,
    "upload_on_save": false,
    "sync_down_on_open": false,
    "sync_skip_deletes": false,
    "sync_same_age": true,
    "confirm_downloads": false,
    "confirm_sync": true,
    "confirm_overwrite_newer": false,
    "host": "", //IPv4 Public IP in Instances > Desription tab of EC2 Dashboard
    "user": "ec2-user",
    "port": "22",
    "remote_path": "/var/www/html/",
    "ignore_regexes": [
        "\\.sublime-(project|workspace)", "sftp-config(-alt\\d?)?\\.json",
        "sftp-settings\\.json", "/venv/", "\\.svn/", "\\.hg/", "\\.git/",
        "\\.bzr", "_darcs", "CVS", "\\.DS_Store", "Thumbs\\.db", "desktop\\.ini"
    "connect_timeout": 10,
    "ssh_key_file": "C:/Users/me/Desktop/aws.ppk", //Generated ppk file using PuTTYgen

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