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Getting “Method Not Allowed” error when using ASP.NET Web API inside ASP.NET Web Forms

I am trying to implement HMAC authentication using the code given here: http://bitoftech.net/2014/12/15/secure-asp-net-web-api-using-api-key-authentication-hmac-authentication/ .

I integrated this code inside my ASP.NET web forms application. I created a folder named "HMACAPI" and added the controllers and filters inside it. I also installed all the required Nuget packages. This is how I am implementing my service methods:

public class FormsController : ApiController
    public IHttpActionResult Get()
        ClaimsPrincipal principal = Request.GetRequestContext().Principal as ClaimsPrincipal;

        var Name = ClaimsPrincipal.Current.Identity.Name;

        return Ok("test");

    public IHttpActionResult Post(string order)
        return Ok(order);

This is my route configuration for the API:


But when I use client.PostAsJsonAsync() , it's showing Method Not Allowed error. I tried various SO questions but none of their answers are helping.

What I tried:

  1. Removed WebDAV module.

  2. Added [HttpPost] attribute to post method.

I am using " http://localhost:56697/api/forms/ " URL to access the API. But I also tried " http://localhost:56697/api/forms " and " http://localhost:56697/api/forms/test ".


As suggested by Obsidian Phoenix I was able to run it without [HMACAuthentication] attribute. But I want to implement this with HMAC authentication. So, what can be the reasons for this?

I guess your problem with sending HTTP POST to the endpoint (api/forms) and there is nothing to do with HMACAuth attribute, right?

If this is the case then do not sent Order as String, it should be as an POCO object containing string property, something as the below should work:

public class OrderModel
    public string Order { get; set; }

You are missing a [FromBody] attribute on your method.

In order to use client.PostAsJsonAsync(url, "test") , your method signature should look like this:

public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] string order)
    return Ok(order);

Likewise, passing a POCO object:

public IHttpActionResult Post([FromBody] OrderModel order)
    return Ok(order);

Finally, I solved this. I didn't expected that this will be a solution.

I changed the port and used Local IIS server instead of Visual Studio Development Server. Although I was using IIS before I asked the question but I think port changing solved the issue.

Well, thanks everyone for your efforts in solving my problem. Because of all your answers and comments I was able to come to this solution. :)

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