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Dealing with multiple JSON objects (Android Java)

I am currently dealing with some JSON and apparently running into a bit of trouble. I have a PHP page that fetches two unrelated MySQL requests at the same time and displays both of them, one after the other. I have two JSON encodings. My issue is, I can't get my Java program to recognize the second one. First one is parsed fine.

I ran the JSON through an online validator and it is quite clear those two shouldn't follow as they are now. What is the correct way of dealing with those two ?

Please note that the comma between them (line 11) was added manually because I thought it would help. It didn't.

         "last_login":"2015-10-12 00:36:05",
         "last_login":"2015-10-12 01:00:42"
         "last_login":"2015-10-12 00:50:49"

Edit : here's the code I'm using. I can parse the player_update fine, but nothing is done after I ask to find the the player_list, my Logs stop there. Test 00 AND Test 1 both don't display.

JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(stream);

JSONArray arr_player_update = obj.getJSONArray("player_update");
String newplayer = arr_player_update.getJSONObject(0).getString("newplayer");
Log.i("PhLog LobbyActivity", "Newplayer : "+newplayer);

Log.i("PhLog LobbyActivity", "Test 0");
JSONArray arr_player_list = obj.getJSONArray("player_list");
Log.i("PhLog LobbyActivity", "Test 00");
for (int i = 0; i < arr_player_list.length(); i++) {
    String id = arr_player_list.getJSONObject(i).getString("id");
    String name = arr_player_list.getJSONObject(i).getString("name");
    String last_login = arr_player_list.getJSONObject(i).getString("last_login");

My PHP pages consists of : json_encode($array1);echo",";json_encode($array2); But the comma is useless. Maybe if my JSON was valid then it would work better.

Logcat :

10-12 09:48:00.086 1052-1052/? I/PhLog LobbyActivity: Newplayer : no
10-12 09:48:00.086 1052-1052/? I/PhLog LobbyActivity: Test 0
10-12 09:48:00.086 1052-1052/? W/System.err: org.json.JSONException: No value for player_list


The way you are encoding JSON is wrong. That was not an example of valid JSON formatted data. You can check it's validness here .

Solution :

You have two different arrays to send as response. Then combine both of them in single array first and then encode it in json format.

Example: (in your php file)

$data_to_send['player_update']=$player_update; // an array of player update
$data_to_send['player_list']=$player_list; // an array of player_list

json_encode($data_to_send); // to send the response

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