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Regex .NET match everything until first space + letter is found

I have:

01 - Radio N Am 2007 
186508980X -16-17 - Horns and Bones
(ab)normal - constitutions


Radio N Am 2007 
Horns and Bones

I tried with


but the output is:

 - Radio N Am 2007
 - Horns and Bones

Please help me with a correct regex to achieve the goal.

Instead of trying to replace, match what you want with:

(?<= )[A-Za-z].*


Search for:

^.*?- (?=[A-Za-z])

and replace by empty string.

RegEx Demo

If you are looking for a regex solution that will only match the substrings after the last - , you can just use


See demo

If there must be a letter after the hyphen , you may use -\\s*(\\p{L}[^-]*$) . The \\p{L} construct will match any Unicode letter.


C# IDEONE demo :

var lines = new string[] {"01 - Radio N Am 2007", 
"186508980X -16-17 - Horns and Bones",
"(ab)normal - constitutions"};
foreach (string s in lines) 
    var matches = Regex.Matches(s, @"-\s*([^-]*$)");
    foreach (Match m in matches)

But you can also use a non-regex approach if you need to get substrings after the last hyphen:

Console.WriteLine(s.Substring(s.LastIndexOf("-") + 1).Trim());

See another demo

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