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Execute JS code only in debug mode

Is it posible to execute part of a js file only when I have the developer tools opened?

I want something like


but for JavaScript.

不,javascript 本身没有条件编译

Not really. But you can use devtools-detect for that. See the following answer: enter link description here

Try this library: https://github.com/sindresorhus/devtools-detect

It does some inspection of the window object and emits an event when it detects the console has opened. I would probably be wary of including this in production code but it could make for a useful debugging tool in your use case.

I dont think there is a way to check for that in Chrome and Firefox. The best bet is to have a debug flag in your code.

Although IE gives console as undefined when developer tool is not open. So for IE you can just do:

  //dev tools is open
} else{
  //dev tools not open

Also have a look here for more info on chrome: Find out whether Chrome console is open


In _Layout.cshtml (for MVC) or Master (for web forms), add the following:

    @if (HttpContext.Current.IsDebuggingEnabled)
    @:var DEBUG = true;
    @:var DEBUG = false;
    alert('DEBUG: ' + DEBUG);

The beauty of this is that you can turn it on/off using a configuration value in Web.config to allow debugging in any environment:

    <compilation debug="false" />

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