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How to list all names loaded in in an ipython sessions?

I am injecting variables and functions into my default ipython namespace by dropping some *.py files into ~/.ipython/profile_default/startup .

I can list names that are newly created in an ipython session by typing %who or %who_ls . However the names defined in my startup files do not show up. Is there a magic function or a way to list all names introduced in the startup directory into an active ipython interactive session ?

You can use pattern searching via %psearch . To list all objects NOT in the builtin space, use:

%psearch -e builtin *

%psearch [options] PATTERN [OBJECT TYPE]

Note: ? can be used as a synonym for %psearch, at the beginning or at the end: both a*? and ?a* are equivalent to '%psearch a*'. Still, the rest of the command line must be unchanged (options come first), so for example the following forms are equivalent

%psearch -ia* function -ia* function? ?-ia* function

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