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AngularJS How to JSON data read to Slim Framework (PUT method)

Welcome i have some JSON data and i want update this in database(I want to use Silm framework but I don't know how). How can I send JSON data to PHP because this:


require 'Slim/Slim.php'
$app = new \Slim\Slim();
$app->put('/saveUser/:idUser', function($idUser) {
  $user = json_decode(file_get_contents("php://input"));
  echo $user->newName.'  - '.$user->newEmail;

retrun me error

500 (Internal Server Error) Trying to get property of non-object

app.js :

var data = {
           idUser: 1,
           newName: 'Kaker',
           newEmail: 'aa@dd.com'

 $http.put("app/api/saveUser/" + data.idUser, data);
$app->put('/saveUser/:idUser', function($idUser) use ($app) {
  $user = $app->request->put();

  echo $user->newName.'  - '.$user->newEmail;

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