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Error no appropriate default constructor available

I am implementing a list class with node and iterator, that creates a list of type Ticket, which is an object that i have defined in a class, but when i try to compile it says that there is no default constructor for List when there clearly is. Does anyone see the issue here?

This is the class definition

class List : public Ticket


    void tick_print(vector<Ticket*> halfticks, int i);
    void push_back(Ticket* data);
    void insert(Iterator iter, Ticket* s);

    Iterator erase(Iterator iter);

    Iterator begin();

    Iterator end();
    Node* first;
    Node* last;
    friend class Iterator;

This is the implementation of the default constructor

    first = NULL;
    last = NULL;

And this is where i create the list

List ticks;

Here is the code for ticket

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Season;
class Monthly;
class Daily;
class Half;

class Ticket

    Ticket(int m, int d, int y, int h);
    virtual void display();
    virtual bool isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch);
    virtual int getyear();
    virtual int getmonth();
    virtual int getday();
    virtual int gethour();


    int month;
    int day;
    int year;
    int hour;
    int hour2;

class Season: public Ticket

    Season(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h);
    void display();
    bool isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch);


    string type;

class Monthly: public Ticket

    Monthly(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h);
    void display();
    bool isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch);


    string type;

class Daily: public Ticket

    Daily(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h);
    void display();
    bool isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch);


    string type;

class Half: public Ticket

    Half(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h);
    void display();
    bool isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch);
    int getyear();
    int getmonth();
    int getday();
    int gethour();


    string type;

Ticket::Ticket(int m, int d, int y, int h)
    month = m;
    day = d;
    year = y;
    hour = h;
    hour2 = h+4;
void Ticket::display()
bool Ticket::isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch)
    return 0;
int Ticket::getyear()
    return year;
int Ticket::getmonth()
    return month;
int Ticket::getday()
    return day;
int Ticket::gethour()
    return hour;

Season::Season(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h)
    :Ticket(m, d, y, h)
    type = t;
void Season::display()
    cout << type + " Ticket - ";
    cout << year;
bool Season::isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch)
    if(year == cy)
        return true;
        return false;

Monthly::Monthly(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h)
    :Ticket(m, d, y, h)
    type = t;
void Monthly::display()
    cout << type + " Ticket - ";
    cout << month << "/" << year;
bool Monthly::isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch)
    if(year == cy && month == cm)
        return true;
        return false;

Daily::Daily(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h)
    :Ticket(m, d, y, h)
    type = t;
void Daily::display()
    cout << type + " Ticket - ";
    cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year;
bool Daily::isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch)
    if(year == cy && month == cm && day == cd)
        return true;
        return false;

Half::Half(string t, int m, int d, int y, int h)
    :Ticket(m, d, y, h)
    type = t;
void Half::display()
    cout << type + " Ticket - ";
    cout << month << "/" << day << "/" << year << " from " << hour << " to " << hour2;
bool Half::isvalid(int cm, int cd, int cy, int ch)
    if(year == cy && month == cm && day == cd)
        if(ch >= 9 && ch <= 13)
            if(ch >= hour && ch <= hour2)
                return true;
                return false;
            return false;
        return false;
int Half::getyear()
    return year;
int Half::getmonth()
    return month;
int Half::getday()
    return day;
int Half::gethour()
    return hour;

Ticket没有默认的构造函数,因此List不能默认构造,因为它继承了Ticket ,并且List不会在Ticket调用基本构造函数。

When you don't include code to initialize a base class in the initialization list of a constructor of a derived class, the base class is initialized using the default constructor. In other words,


is equivalent to:

List::List() : Ticket()

Since Ticket does not have a default constructor, the compiler does not have any way to initialize Ticket from the posted code.

You can resolve this problem by one of the following methods:

  1. Add a default constructor to Ticket
  2. Update List::List() to use the only constructor of Ticket in the initialization list.

     List::List() : Ticket(0, 0, 0) // You need to figure out what values // make sense in your application. { } 

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