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unbuffered read from stdin in python

I'm writing a python script that can read input through a pipe from another command like so

batch_job | myparser

My script myparser processes the output of batch_job and write to its own stdout. My problem is that I want to see the output immediately (the output of batch_job is processed line-by-line) but there appears to be this notorious stdin buffering (allegedly 4KB, I haven't verified) which delays everything.

The problem has been discussed already here here and here .

I tried the following:

  • open stdin using os.fdopen(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'r', 0)
  • using -u in my hashbang: #!/usr/bin/python -u
  • setting export PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 right before calling the script
  • flushing my output after each line that was read (just in case the problem was coming from output buffering rather than input buffering)

My python version is 2.4.3 - I have no possibility of upgrading or installing any additional programs or packages. How can I get rid of these delays?

I've encountered the same issue with legacy code. It appears to be a problem with the implementation of Python 2's file object's __next__ method; it uses a Python level buffer (which -u / PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 doesn't affect, because those only unbuffer the stdio FILE* s themselves, but file.__next__ 's buffering isn't related; similarly, stdbuf / unbuffer can't change any of the buffering at all, because Python replaces the default buffer made by the C runtime; the last thing file.__init__ does for a newly opened file is call PyFile_SetBufSize which uses setvbuf / setbuf [the APIs] to replace the default stdio buffer).

The problem is seen when you have a loop of the form:

for line in sys.stdin:

where the first call to __next__ (called implicitly by the for loop to get each line ) ends up blocking to fill the block before producing a single line.

There are three possible fixes:

  1. (Only on Python 2.6+) Rewrap sys.stdio with the io module (backported from Python 3 as a built-in) to bypass file entirely in favor of the (frankly superior) Python 3 design (which uses a single system call at a time to populate the buffer without blocking for the full requested read to occur; if it asks for 4096 bytes and gets 3, it'll see if a line is available and produce it if so) so:

     import io import sys # Add buffering=0 argument if you won't always consume stdin completely, so you # can't lose data in the wrapper's buffer. It'll be slower with buffering=0 though. with io.open(sys.stdin.fileno(), 'rb', closefd=False) as stdin: for line in stdin: # Do stuff with the line

    This will typically be faster than option 2, but it's more verbose, and requires Python 2.6+. It also allows for the rewrap to be Unicode friendly, by changing the mode to 'r' and optionally passing the known encoding of the input (if it's not the locale default) to seamlessly get unicode lines instead of (ASCII only) str .

  2. (Any version of Python) Work around problems with file.__next__ by using file.readline instead; despite nearly identical intended behavior, readline doesn't do its own (over)buffering, it delegates to C stdio 's fgets (default build settings) or a manual loop calling getc / getc_unlocked into a buffer that stops exactly when it hits end of line. By combining it with two-arg iter you can get nearly identical code without excess verbosity (it'll probably be slower than the prior solution, depending on whether fgets is used under the hood, and how the C runtime implements it):

     # '' is the sentinel that ends the loop; readline returns '' at EOF for line in iter(sys.stdin.readline, ''): # Do stuff with line
  3. Move to Python 3, which doesn't have this problem. :-)

In Linux, bash, what you are looking for seems to be the stdbuf command.

If you want no buffering (ie an unbuffered stream), try this,

# batch_job | stdbuf -o0 myparser

If you want line buffering, try this,

# batch_job | stdbuf -oL myparser


unbuffer batch_job | myparser

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