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Intranet NT logged user

I have a welcome head


But I pretend get welcome to the NT logged user


<h2>Welcome <%response.write request.servervariables("LOGON_USER")%></h2>

gives me the DOMAIN\\USER how I can only show the user? I don't want the domain appears in the text.


I edit this post to not create a new one. I try google but can't find any help I'm getting the correct NT-Logged user. However could I get the name of the nt-user... the corresponding one? Example: Mine NT-User is KFHM. but my name in windows is KikoFHM. At the moment I'm getting the KFHM but how to get the KikoFHM?

Just use Split() to separate the Domain from the Username, it uses the \\ as a delimiter creating an Array with two elements, to get just the Username call the second element.

Dim username

username = Split(Request.Servervariables("LOGON_USER"), "\")(1)

This is a quick and dirty approach you can expand it and check for the \\ beforehand to avoid errors, something like

Dim cred, domain, username,
cred = Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") & ""
If InStr(1, cred, "\") > 0 Then
  cred = Split(cred, "\")
  domain = cred(0)
  username = cred(1)
End If

If you not interested in structuring your code at all you can always use this quick and dirty piece of code;

<%= Split(Request.ServerVariables("LOGON_USER") & "", "\")(1) %>

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