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Handling “extra” params in ASP.Net MVC5 routing

I have this path that I need to handle:


The ExternalLogon action in the Account Controller automatically logs the user in based on a check between the LogonTicket and the PID. Then it is supposed to redirect to the ReturnUrl.

How would I fix the /Home/CompReq route to handle the EC parameter and how to modify the Action in the Home Controller?

I have only one route in my RouteConfig:

public static void RegisterRoutes(RouteCollection routes)

        name: "Default",
        url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
        defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }

This link works perfectly but I know I don't have any params on it.


Home Controller Action definition is like this:

public ActionResult CompReq(string eventcode)

ExternalLogon definition:

ExternalLogOn(string LogonTicket, int? PID, string User, string EC, String State, string ReturnUrl)

ReturnUrl value should be url encoded:


CompReq action should have same function parameter name as query parameter name:

public ActionResult CompReq(string EC)

ExternalLogon action should have proper parameters:

ExternalLogOn(string LogonTicket, int? PID, string ReturnUrl)

In ExternalLogOn you do a redirect to ReturnUrl param:

return Redirect(ReturnUrl); 

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